The relevant regulations are the Rent Regulations 1982 (SI 626 of 1982). In the regulations under this legislation, the court exercises appellate jurisdiction. The court has jurisdiction to hear appeals by persons aggrieved by decisions of the Board in relation to licence applications and cancellation or variations of licences. See also the Estate Agents (Appeals) Regulations 1987. The court has jurisdiction to hear appeals by persons aggrieved by certain decisions, directions, orders or actions of the Council.

The court has jurisdiction to hear appeals against decisions made on appeal to the Minister under the Act. The court has jurisdiction to hear appeals in respect of adjustment orders made by the National Disabilities Board Įnvironmental Management Act The court has jurisdiction to hear appeals by persons aggrieved by a decision made by the Minister in terms of this Act. The court has jurisdiction to hear appeals against certain decisions of the Chief Health Officer in terms of this Act. There is apparently no right of appeal to the Administrative Court by a journalist who has been refused accreditation in terms of s 79 of the Act.Ītmospheric Pollution Prevention Act However, s 90A(4) provides that if the Administrative Court upholds the appeal, the mass media service is not entitled to be registered but instead the Court must remit the matter to the Commission for re-determination.
The court has jurisdiction to hear appeals against decisions of the Media Information to refuse registration to a mass media service. The following are some of the enactments with which the Administrative Court deals–Īccess to Information and Protection of Privacy Act See Archipelago (Pvt) Ltd v Liquor Licensing Board 1986 (1) ZLR 146 (H). The Administrative Court does not have any jurisdiction in criminal matters.Įven where there is a right of appeal in terms of legislation to the Administrative Court against the decision of the original administrative body, the High Court can still exercise its powers of review. See Archipelago (Pvt) Ltd v Liquor Licensing Board 1986 (1) ZLR 146 (H) 1986 (4) SA 397 (ZH). Presidents also sit as Chairperson of various statutory bodies. It mostly deals with appeals against decisions made by various public authorities but in some cases it exercises original jurisdiction and in some cases it has review jurisdiction. The Administrative Court deals with cases of an administrative nature. Assessors do not take part in decisions on questions of law. The decisions of the court are taken on the basis of a majority. For instance, when the court dealt with an application for the right to use public water for mining purposes, the two assessors who sat were a government water engineer and a mining commissioner or a mining engineer. The persons appointed as assessors have wide experience and expertise in the areas for which they are appointed. The Administrative Court Presidents prepare a list of not less than ten assessors in respect of each enactment with which the court deals. There are provisions relating to assessors in the Administrative Court Act and each enactment which confers powers on the Administrative Court will specify how many assessors must sit and what qualifications these assessors must have. a former judge of the High Court or Supreme Court.have been a magistrate in Zimbabwe for not less than seven years or.qualified for appointment as a judge of the High Court or Supreme Court or.To be qualified for appointment as a President of this court the person must be– In terms of s 92(1) of the Constitution the State President in consultation with the Judicial Service Commission appoints Presidents of this court. The Presiding Officer in the Administrative Court is called the President of the court.

The Act governing this court is the Administrative Court Act. The Administrative Court was set up in 1979.